Did you snap at your kid today and felt immensely guilty afterwards?

 Your partner end up leaving his dirty socks on the floor and the wet towel on the bed yet again?

The friend you called today, the one you needed the most today, was too busy to pick up your call, even respond to your text even?

There are times when our partners, our friends and kids show nothing but their worst side to you. They push your wrong buttons, and consequently, end up bringing out the worst in you.

Sometimes, you end up reacting in ways that you are not proud of.

You end up saying things in anger, exhaustion and spite that you regret later, things said and done in the heat of the moment that you can’t take back.

You end up doing things that just seem to make things only worse.

You even end up acting in a way that so ‘not you’. You won’t even recognize that part of you acting in that certain way.

But you can’t seem to help yourself in that moment of anger and frustration.

You aren’t acting but reacting, and reactionary behaviors aren’t always healthy, productive.

Sometimes your teen brings out the worst in you when they show their worst to you.

Honestly enough, if I look back, things one got irked over don’t look too serious.

Fighting over an unreturned call, a messy room, a bad grade…

Some of the issues start looking stupid the next day.

Sometimes, you just have to learn to pick and choose your battles.

So, don’t sweat the small stuff. Try to let go of things sometimes.

Try to get along. Try to lean in more.

Try to listen more and say less.

Take a break instead of cutting down contact.

 Draw boundaries instead of enforcing rules.

Ignore minor inconveniences and try to focus on the positives instead.

Life is too short to sweat the small stuff all the time.


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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