Today’s WorthWorkn4Wednesday blog is about the importance of making one’s bed in the morning and how it impacts our productivity in unrealized ways. One of …
Make Your Bed Every Morning – A Small Habit that Cultivates Productivity

A movement & sisterhood to Empower, Uplift & Inspire Women Globally
Today’s WorthWorkn4Wednesday blog is about the importance of making one’s bed in the morning and how it impacts our productivity in unrealized ways. One of …
I often look at other people’s picture perfect home in videos, magazine and influencer reels and posts and wonder how they manage to keep it …
Look around the place you live in! What do you see? Or, what are the things you don’t see or miss? A new couch? Or …
Rest and productivity are seen to be two things contrary to one another. If you are resting instead of working, you are seen as slacking, …
What is a Personal Statement and Why You Need One A personal statement is something that one writes when applying to a school. It is …
“Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there maybe in silence.” Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann, written in 1927 I …
Happiness is in the smallest of things, not the bigger ones. Satisfaction is when random things align, even though they may not be perfect! Joy …
Most of us are stressed and unhappy with the stressors and challenges around us. The pandemic has brought a few realities home: The average life …
How many of you woke up with a feeling of utter gratitude today? More importantly, how many of you thanked your body today for helping …
It’s going to be that time of the year again: Chocolates, candies, flower, bouquets. There is romance or something of that sort in the air …