You probably have heard about meditation a lot! Many of us may think that it is merely a psyco buzz word, a fitness fad, a …
February 2022

When I fitted Meditation in My Life as a Mom & Caregiver, I Discovered….
Last year, I was going through a stressful time. I was taking care of of my young daughter, managing her boredom, tantrums, the need to …

Why It’s Important to Thank Your Body Everyday
How many of you woke up with a feeling of utter gratitude today? More importantly, how many of you thanked your body today for helping …

15 Netflix Quotes that Define Female Bonding and Sisterhood
Female bonding and friendship is quintessential for their survival.

The Importance of Setting Emotional Boundaries with Loved Ones (and How to Do it!)
Ever realized how physical boundaries like lanes and walls help people stay out of harm’s way and stay safe? What would happen if these boundaries …

How to Navigate through Singledom on Valentine’s Day
It’s going to be that time of the year again: Chocolates, candies, flower, bouquets. There is romance or something of that sort in the air …

Enjoy the Small Moments….Don’t Rush Through Life!
All my life, I was in a hurry! When I was in school, I wanted to be in college. When I was in college, I …

Pouring from an Empty Cup… When Self-Care is Neglected!
I belong to a generation and culture where self-love and self-care have been unheard of until recently. Women are daughters, sisters, wives, moms, daughter in …