Focus! I chide my mentally slap myself to focus on the assignment at hand. Two hours have passed since I started, and yet there are …
Cultivating Your Mental Peace Increases Your Productivity
Productivity comprises techniques and tools. But, come to think of it, productivity is a mindset. It is a conscious desire to do more and be …
Taking Care of My Mind!
Sometimes my thoughts can be crowded, sometimes, there are a few in my head at a given time. I believe in my thoughts. I try …
Why a Soul Cleanse is as Necessary as a Physical Detox
We need a soul cleanse more often than we realize! Here is why: The demands of our super busy lives make us perform at our …
6 Ways Meditation Helps Us Become a Better Version of Ourselves
You probably have heard about meditation a lot! Many of us may think that it is merely a psyco buzz word, a fitness fad, a …
When I fitted Meditation in My Life as a Mom & Caregiver, I Discovered….
Last year, I was going through a stressful time. I was taking care of of my young daughter, managing her boredom, tantrums, the need to …
3 Simple Steps to Positively Raise Your Energy and Vibration
We often hear the words ‘vibe’ and ‘energy’. Most of us have heard these terms being regarding meditative practices. However, vibrations and energy surround us …