negative self-talk

Hey you!

I know you are sad and down for…

failing an exam, for failing on a personal goal or project!

failing to stick to your fitness routine, for gaining more pounds!

yelling at your child or snapping at your spouse!

How many times have you berated yourself for failing at something!

negative self-talk
Image credit: Unsplash

How harsh have you been!

The negative self-talk is endless. It’s like chattering monkeys in your head!

I am really not good at this or anything in life!

I am not good enough!

I could have done better!

I could have done more!

Gosh! Why didn’t I do more!

What’s wrong with me!

I should have done this!

I should have known better!

I shouldn’t have chosen this college or subject!

I shouldn’t have trusted this person!

I should have saved more, worked more!

negative self-talk
Image credit: Unsplash

I should have been smarter and prettier!

This list of should haves and shouldn’t haves, not enough is soo long!

The regret and pain is endless!

This negative self-talk is hurting you!

Excessive rumination, self-blame and self-critique, all of these damage your mental health and personality and your relationships in ways you can’t even imagine!

They mask the reality, making everything worst than it actually is!

They make you negate your own potential, stay stuck in a loop of regrets.

Negative self-talks stops you from actualizing your potential and see the good in yourself, in things and in others!

It’s time to start forgiving for not doing enough, for making mistakes, for trying and failing!

It’s time to start loving yourself!

Image credit: Unsplash

It’s time to show the inner-critic the door!

It’s time to tell that critic that he/she doesn’t know everything!

Above all, it’s time to be your own best friend!

It’s time to…..

  • appreciate yourself, your efforts.
  • celebrate the progress!
  • replace negative, self-berating talk with positive upliftment!

It’s time to step into your power!

You know why it’s important? It’s because you are worth it!


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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