It’s going to be that time of the year again: Chocolates, candies, flower, bouquets. There is romance or something of that sort in the air
While a lot of us are celebrating Valentine’s Day, there are a lot more who are single, alone, have just gotten out of a relationship, or somewhere in between, or separated, divorced, widowed.
Seeing all the fanfare and media hype around, you are bound to wonder what are you missing on, whether there is something wrong with you or that you don’t deserve to be in a loving relationship.
Naturally, the thoughts and reflection can be depressing. But do understand it’s just your fears and misgivings talking. Here is why:

Valentine’s Day is Just Like Any Other Day
You really don’t need a special day for someone to sweep you off your feet. For a person who is contented with life, grateful for its highs as well as lows, everyday is Valentine’s Day.
Everyday is a chance to love yourself, wake up and face the day with gratitude and anticipation. It is a chance to take care of yourself and those around you.
It’s OK to be Single on Valentine’s Day
If you are currently unattached, intentionally or unintentionally, let me say it out aloud: “It’s perfectly OK! There is nothing to be ashamed of or feel bad about!”
Being in a relationship is great. But it is far more important to be in a good relationship! It is important to be with a good person, a person right for you!
The Ability to Feel Happy
While the world paints a rosy picture for you on Valentine’s Day, your state of happiness in life and with life depends on you and solely you alone! You don’t need a man to be able to love life, to live and enjoy it to the fullest.
The extent of your happiness doesn’t depend upon your relationship status at all. If you would give the control of your mental and emotional health and moods to someone else, you would be dependent on that person. Likewise, you would give the other person the ability to hurt you.

Plan a Date with Friends and Family
If you feel alone and distressed at Valentine’s Day, plan a get together with your other single friends. It wouldn’t be romantic but it would surely be fun. Brunch, sightseeing, adventure, drinks and bar hopping, movies, dinner, nothing is off-limits. Without the pressure for romantic perfection and with zero expectations, all these activities would double the fun.
If your friends are unavailable, you can always reach out to your family. A dinner or movie date with your parent or sister can be great way to spend some quality time.
Have a Date with Yourself
Those who have no option other than spending a lonely Valentine’s Day, they should remember that there are lots of things that we can do to help us cope with loneliness such as going out and doing something fun, reading a book, watching a movie, binge watching a series, playing video games or listening to music, doing yoga or exercising, cooking a favorite dish, etc. You can enjoy chocolates and wine and Valentine’s day deals and discounts.
If me-time doesn’t make you happy then consider spending the day by serving others. Volunteer your time in a charitable organization. Choosing to serve others not only brings happiness but also a lot of gratitude towards life’s seemingly small blessings.

The Take-Aways
Spending Valentine’s Day alone can be tricky, since there is so much hype surrounding the holiday. However, your happiness doesn’t depend upon being with a partner. There is still a lot you can do on Valentine’s Day and at other times to enhance your state of self-love, self-care and gratitude towards life.