If you are an empath, I know that you, like me, have been feeling overwhelmed and sad lately.

The mass shootings here and there! Coffins of young children and grandparents!

We have hugged up our children tightly when they got home! Called our parents and grandparents to let them that we have been thinking about them!

Lives cut short just because someone thought that they were better than the rest of us!

News pouring in about war in Russia!

Hyper inflation and people worrying how to keep on meeting ends!

emapths, sisterhood, prayer, hope
Image source: Ben White@Canva

Young kids being kidnapped and ending up dead and sodomized! Others being returned after ransom had been given.

Yet another loved one of yours facing heath issue or death!

This could be you, someone close to you!

Aggression, death, illness, misfortune, economic, financial, survival struggles!

Women being the epicenter of the family face the pressure and suffer!

The struggle to stay alive and keep our families alive, fed, healthy and happier takes a toll on everyone. But it takes a toll on mommies!

You have been struggling! You have been fearful!

I know! I have been too!

Dear empaths, the moms, sisters, friends and daughters!

I am here to tell you that it’s OK to talk about our fears, to talk it out with one another. So we can find those empaths who can not only relate to us but can also equip us with the tools to accept our pain, soothe our cares, give us a perspective, help us sort out the realistic worries from the unrealistic ones.

We have been holding our breathes for too long!

 It’s OK to let go!

Breathe in and breathe out!

The world will continue its whirl and spin!

From the Big Bang to the Nuclear doomsday, the world has always been too much!

Because humanity has been like that! Unpredictable, too chaotic, to disruptive!

As long as we have one another’s back, we will be OK!


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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