
The way I was brought up instilled me a low sense of self-worth and self-esteem. It was because I was told that I was a plain Jane, a boring Betty, too naïve and uninteresting. I was told all these things and I believed them, not knowing any better.

It took me years to realize that all of it was not true and that I realized that that I was good enough as it is. And that I was also WORTH WORKING4.

self-worth, worthy, slef-love
Image credit: Giulia Berteli @Unsplash

So this is what started happening when I decided I was Worth Working 4:

  1. As my awareness of SELF started growing, I began becoming aware of my individuality and my uniqueness.
  2. I was worthy of LOVE. I considered myself worthy enough to give and receive more love.
  3. I began having more self-compassion for MYSELF and for others.
  4. I started considering that the work I was doing was important and exciting, and that I was contributing to the world in a positive way.
  5. I started step out of my comfort zone and explore the world around me.
  6. I renewed my wonder in new and unusual things.
  7. I began to experiment more with my style.
  8. I started telling myself that I was dressing up for ME, getting that haircut and pedicure for MYSELF and not to impress anyone else.
  9. I allowed myself to start smiling more (for no reason), laughing more on silliest of jokes.
  10. I stopped becoming ashamed of who I was.
  11. I stopped apologizing for things others didn’t like.
  12. I started setting clearer personal, professional and emotional boundaries.
  13. I started cutting out toxic people, family members and friends, who were bad for my mental health.
  14. I realized that I had to power to say NO to things I didn’t like or couldn’t manage.
  15. I began standing up for myself and for others around me.
  16. I cut back the negative self-talk and started talking back to people who were being unreasonable or confrontational.
  17. I realized that perfection was not needed all of the time. Therefore, I stopped chasing perfection and started accepting the GOOD ENOUGH in some cases.
  18. I stopped being bitter about the past.
  19. I stopped being too focused on the future and started living in the moment more.
  20. I stopped feeling guilty when saying NO.
  21. I stopped pushing myself too hard.
  22. I started taking it easy on Sundays and during holidays.
  23. I allowed myself to relax, without feeling guilty about dirty dishes in the sink, the unfolded clothes, and the toys strewn around.
  24. I began to find a newer hobbies, new people to connect with.
  25. I started incorporating one healthy habit every week or at least every month.
  26. I learnt to enjoy my food and at the same time, I learnt to workout more.
  27. I enrolled for fitness classes.
  28. I started walking more.
  29. I started meditating more.
  30. I started having more gratitude.
  31. I started realizing that I had the potential to HAVE MORE, DO MORE, BE MORE.
self-worth, self-love, worthy
Image credit: Alysha Rosly@Unsplash

Self-worth is NOT tied to the work we do and the paycheck we get, or the digits in the bank, the tag on your dress, the digit on the weighing machine, the model of the car you drive, the area you live in, the people you hang out with. Self-worth is all about having the inner sense of BEING GOOD ENOUGH, having a sense of BELONGING, and BEING WORTHY of LOVE and all the good things in life.

I am WORTH WORKING 4….Are you?


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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