Have you thought how powerful our habits are and how they following them consistently can impact our productivity and quality of life? Are you have a hard time with:

  • Keeping up with your New Year resolutions
  • Meeting your goals
  • Being productive and purposeful every day

Then your small and positive habits can help you stay on track, make progress, and eventually, they help us meet our goals, keep our resolutions and be productive overall.

One thing I, and most of us, know about New Year Resolutions and  January is about to end and most of us are already struggling to keep up with our New Year resolutions, reach our goals and being productive.  

How Habits Help Us Reach Our Goals, Resolutions and Be Productive

So how does this work? Do all habits count in the achievement of our purpose? Unfortunately, No! Your habits need to be positive, small, also known as mini habits or micro habits to be sustained, and cultivated deliberately.  Think of these as the ‘what’, ‘which’, ‘how’ and ‘when’ of your goal or resolution, i.e., which tiny thing, small habit or tweak in routine can help us achieve our goal or resolution easily.

For example, if my goal is to drink more water, then the micro habit of placing a glass of water near my bed or workstation can ensure that I am able to start my day with a glass of water.

Likewise, if my New Year Resolution is to expand my network and generate more business leads in 2023, then making at least two cold calls, or sending out two emails to my prospects would be the micro habit that can help me reach my New Year Resolution.

But that these small things are not habits, but something we have to do deliberately and mindfully. You are right! But what happens is that when a small but positive action is done with intention and repeatedly, you are able to solidify it into a small but positive habit.  

These powerful micro habits can, in turn, help us reach our goals, keep our resolutions, and be productive and purposeful. Let’s see some more examples of how micro habits influence our personal and professional lives positively.

My Top 7 Micro Habits

There are a lot of micro habits that you can choose, follow, adapt, even evolve, based on your lifestyle and your goals. Here are the top 7 micro habits that I have been following for years:

Eat Healthy

If my goal is to eat healthy food, then the micro habits that can help me achieve my goal is to cut back on buying junk and processed food, refrain from ordering food from outside, and most importantly, packing a healthy lunch to work every day.

micro habits, eating healthy
Image source: Sarah Chai@Pexels

Become More Fit and Lean

Fitness is on every one’s mind. But most of us think of fitness as joining a gym or hiring a fitness instructor or running or jogging for miles. We may even do all or any of these, but a lot of us have a hard time sustaining these activities. How about micro habits like choosing to walk to the nearby store, parking your car a little bit further from your workplace and choosing to walk a little bit to reach your destination can help you come closer to your fitness goal.

The 10 Minute Rule

Our day comprises not one or two but at least two dozen (and even more) tasks, which happen to be small but significant. These tasks, if left unattended, will eventually add up and create chaos, delay distractions. So, if task requires just 10 minutes of your time, it is better to get them done and out of the way. For example, it can be dusting the furniture, washing the two cups on the counter right away, answering an important email, making your bed, etc.

Organize Your Things the Night Prior

If you like me is often struggling to reach work on time or sending the kids to school on time, it makes more sense to lay out the clothes for the next day, fix the lunch boxes, water bottles, bags, place your keys and wallet within reach, fueling up your car, etc.,  the night earlier. Even the smallest act of placing your bag near the door help you head out early.

Bookmark Important Things

We come across a lot of things that are useful to us, or what we like, but which may not have an immediate use for us. Whatever we don’t save, slips us by and is sure to get lost in the tons of information that is out there. The simple act of bookmarking the websites you like, the social subscribing to the media channels and liking videos or posts that are useful to you can help you save them for later reference and use. This is specially important for students who need to reference their work in assignments.  

micro habits, skin care
Image source: Linda Prebreza@Pexels

Follow a Simple Skin Care Regimen

We all desire perfect, healthy skin, hair and body. Instead of splurging on expensive creams and spa treatments, follow the simple routine of wearing your sunblock before going out, cleansing and moisturizing your skin on daily basis, and drinking more water than caffeine and cold drinks.

Check out WW4Society’s Store for this water bottle

Carry a Water Bottle and SnacksWhen You Travel

Resisting the urge of junk food when outside is a struggle, specially when you are tired and stressed. One small micro habit that helps me is to carry my own water bottle and a tiny packet of nuts or chips in my purse when I am heading out. This helps me resist the urge to buy a soft drink or sandwich when I am outside for a longer time.

To Sum Up

If we start creating small but impactful micro habits and following them rigorously, they would make it easier for us to reach our goals, keep our resolutions and stay productive. Micro habits can have a positive, transformative and long-lasting impact on our personal and professional lives.


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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