Do you catch yourself admiring the clothes of an insta-queen?

Then you probably look at yourself and your faded t-shirts and pjs, with holes in the crotch, and you feel tacky!

Do you wonder how an  influencer’s room looks so neat and chic all the time?

instgram, insta life
Image source: Rachel Claire @ Pexels

Then you look at your own dull and messy room with a gazillions of toys, books strewn here and there. You feel like you lack even the basic organizational skills, and you are just too messy!

Is it just me only who see all these instagram and tiktokers making videos from their vacation destinations and feel deprived and somewhat jealous?

You think that you are working too hard to make ends meet. Meanwhile, the inflation seems to be affecting you only, and not these camera touting, selfie taking and status posting crowd.

real life
Image source: Алеся Горбунова@Pexel

Do you feel in awe of their lives?

Do you feel jealous, depressed, less worthy of good things in life?

I don’t blame you! It happens to the best of us!

Whenever we are down, struggling a lot in our lives, feeling bored, unhappy inadequate, you inevitably make comparisons and start feeling utterly dissatisfied with your existing life!

Well let me ask you! How many of what these influencers out there are real and genuine!

They probably take, analyze and edit a gazillion pictures to shortlist the ones they eventually post eventually on their social media accounts!

It’s not real, raw life. It’s edited, doctored and filtered!

The real and raw life is the puffy face you woke up with in the morning because you were working too late.

The real naked life is the fine lines around your mouth, your hair drawn in a messy bun, your comfiest pair of pjs with holes in the crotch!

The real and messy life are the unwashed mugs and plates in the sink because you have been too busy working on a deadlines!

Will you go out in those hole laden pjs outside or go to a party with a puffy face and hair drawn in a messy bun?

Will you invite guests over and leave your living room messy with toys and books, a sink overflowing with dirty dishes?

Nopes! (at least not under normal circumstances!)

When you are going out or having guests over, you will at least make an attempt to present your best face, wear your best clothes, serve food in your reserved-for-the-company crockery!

Will you feed your guests a lasagna or will you whip up some instant noodles for them!

That’s what these  influencers are doing! They are presenting their best face, their best pose to the world. Instant noodles is ordinary and familiar! But it’s the lasagna sells!

comfort food, comfort, familiar
Image source:Polina Tankilevitch@Pexels

The social media influencers sell that image of perfection, the perfect life. And we tend to believe them, accept things they endorse, merchandise and lifestyles, just on face value!

We get impressed! We get enchanted!

We find ourselves and our lives imperfect, inadequate messy!

We get jealous!

But it’s not real in 95% of the cases! The influencer’s lives are made up, perfected over with practice, through deliberation!

Meanwhile, you are living a life you are building for yourself! It’s a life worth workin4. It is raw but it’s real!

So own your reality and truth! Don’t idolize the life of someone who is nothing to you besides a digital status, a feed, a post!

Live your raw and real life with gratitude!

Stay real! Stay blessed!


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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