feelings productivity

What fuels productivity? Is it motivation? Is it the right mix of tools and techniques? I am at my productive when I am in tune with my emotions. So what does your feelings have to do with productivity, you may think. I would say that there is a link between your productivity and your feelings.

There are days when we start a work day or a new project, but we are not at our best selves, emotionally and physically. We might be tired, weary, uninspired, nervous, jittery, etc. Alternatively, we might be unsure of how we are going to handle a certain task and what we expect from it in terms of the outcomes. The result is disorderliness, lack of quality work and progress, chaos, unsatisfactory performance and disappointing results.

However, when we are aware of our emotional and physical state, it becomes easier for us to calm our emotions, ground ourselves and neutralize our fears and negative feelings. This kind of emotional stability eventually translates into mental clarity, focus, precision, increased productivity, and eventually results.

How I am Feeling…

For instance, if we recognize tiredness, we would schedule breaks. Likewise, if we recognize anxiety in ourselves about a project or its outcome, we would try breathing techniques to calm ourselves down or would call a friend to talk things through. Thus, one can deduce that the calmer and centered we are, the more productive we ultimately become.

What Do I Need

Once you start brainstorming about a project, you would decide what approach you would like to take to accomplish it. As a second step, you would decide which tools and resources you would need to do that job successfully. More importantly, if you realize during your reflection that you don’t have a grip on things, then you would seek help from a senior, a coworker, or a mentor. Thus, the ability to reflect on  a task before starting it would help you accomplish it in an efficient manner.

How Much Time Do I Have…

Having to cover a lot of things, but not having time is an issue most commonly experienced when we are trying to be productive. Undoubtedly, time is one of the most valuable assets, but, when used inefficiently and ineffectively, can become your biggest challenge. So, not having a clear idea of the timelines or deadlines, and thus overcommitting yourself can put you in a real pickle and stress you out. Therefore, whether you are working for someone or doing something for yourself, having an idea about the available time can help you carry out your work effectively and finish it in time.   

What are the Outcomes…

Most of the times, we start some work with the intention of just finishing it and get things out of the way. But merely wanting to finish the task is a myopic approach to work. On the other hand, a result-oriented approach helps us get the work done in not just a satisfactory manner but getting it done in an impressive and impactful manner. The latter is very important when you are trying to catch someone’s eye, when you are striving to make your work stand out from your peers and from the crowd.

What Do I Foresee…

Being in touch with your emotions help you understand whether you are unmotivated, ambivalent, over or under confident about a certain task or project. Consequently, tapping into your gut feelings help you take key decisions related to certain outcomes. For instance, you would decide how much mental and emotional energy you are going to dedicate to the project, whether you should show initiative or follow the lead, etc.
Thus, when your heart tells you that ‘I do/don’t have a good feeling about this!’ you should definitely pay attention. This is because your intuitiveness about a project, the ‘gut feeling’ would help you decide whether you want to go ahead with it or not, and if so, then on what terms. More importantly, this kind of soul searching would help you decide whether you need to concentrate on this task or project solely or take on more work.

In a Nutshell…

Productivity is not just about methods and tools, it has a deeper but unrealized connection with our feelings and emotions. Conclusively, paying attention to how you are feeling at a given moment would help you get in touch with your emotions, intuition and creative self and improve your productivity.  


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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