What is self-sabotage? You must have heard the term but have wondered what it is exactly.

Self -sabotage is going against yourself or holding yourself back, bringing your own self down. The reason behind the self-sabotaging is lack of confidence or distraction or pressure to do more and succeed.

Many teenagers do self-sabotage and don’t even realize that! Here are some examples:




Let’s see what each example means:


Procrastinating is a example of self-sabotage because you are stopping yourself for reaching a goal you like to achieve. For example, knowing you need to complete a assignment but instead, you are doing something else. This is a sign of self-sabotage because you are hurting yourself by not doing that assignment now. You then have to worry about more things later, thus making it harder on yourself.


Overthinking is another example of self-sabotage because you over think about a situation that isn’t really that big a deal. For example, over thinking about how you play basketball and now you stopped yourself from playing. Now, all you can think about is how you look, which leads to self-sabotage.

Image source: Dev Asangbam@Unsplash


Avoidance is also an example of self-sabotage because you are avoiding things you love because you think that you aren’t good enough. For example, avoiding playing basketball as you really like it because you aren’t sure if you are any good. This kind of self-doubt is also self-sabotage because you are holding yourself back from doing something you would like to do.

To Sum Up

These are some sign examples of self-sabotage. They may all sound the same but all play a different part in our lives and how we do things and how successful we are. The first step towards stopping self-sabotage is identifying what it is and deciding what you can do about it and then doing it.

girl talk


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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