All my life, I have been told what to do!

First it’s by my parents, then my teachers, then my employers and the society!

All of the time, I have been told to what to be like! What to do (what not to do!) and how to do it!

Eventually, I end up forgetting how to be me, forgetting what I wanted in life. What I wanted to be.

be yourself, be myself, freedom, acknowledge, be human
Image credit: Kamila Maciejewska@Unsplash

But now I am at a point in my life where I want to give myself the permission to just be!

Sometimes, I don’t want to be perfect! I want just to be myself, the way I am. Imperfect, jagged.

I want to allow myself to ‘feel’ how I want to feel, when I want to feel it, without the need to mask my feelings for others, without having to apologize.

I need to give myself the permission to feel sad, to feel tired, to feel OK with not being OK. I need to give myself the permission to lay still, rest and recharge (without the need to feel guilty). I can be fragile at times.

I need to accept and bring home to others that I am a human being. And there is so much so that I can do. I can be strong and hold my own, for a while only.

I realize that no one will give me permission to be. So instead of waiting for acknowledgment and approval of others, I have to do it myself.

I have to give myself the permission and blessing to be myself, be me.

That’s all you and I have ever needed!


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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