Good afternoon

Great afternoon

1 more day & everyone will be able to say the chant that we all know worldwide ?

T.G.I.F ?????

Only people that don’t like T.G.I.F are those that have to work on the weekend, I get it I had to that before as well? but any step is a step, you just have to keep walking…

Today is going to be kind of hard to explain & catch on, but I’m sure you will after hearing the story.

So I had physical therapy today for my shoulder replacement recovery & after leaving from the appt I seen someone & something interesting. I’ve always very observant & keen to all surroundings. There was a woman standing outside & she looked lost or confused like something was wrong. I waited for a minute & then I approached her & asked her was everything alright & I gave her a card & explained everything that is on the blogsite & the meaning of it & the purpose. She said she was ok & was looking for her cat ?

What she told me afterwards broke my heart ? & touched my soul. I told her my name & asked her name, I don’t want her to read this & feel ashamed of the current situation, so i won’t say her name ?. I asked again are you sure your ok? She told me she was homeless & living out of a tent. I knew right there that that was the reason for our paths crossing. I stood & talked with her about all kinds of things life, love, trials & tribulations struggles & strengths. She told me her story of how being with the man she was with was part of the reason for being out on the streets now, I could tell she didn’t want to put full blame on him, which shows some FAITH & self acceptance of her actions for things to be the way they are now. But it goes so much deeper into it. She has a beautiful soul & presence, certain qualities stood out without her even knowing. When she told me she was homeless, she wasn’t saying it in regards to give me something or I need something. **** still had & has her pride, it’s hard for me to not say her name, because I still would want her & the world to know that she is somebody & your life has plenty purpose. I asked her do you do drugs, like heavy drug’s, not to put her on the spot but I was still trying to figure out how she landed on the streets & homeless. She told yes I messed with Crystal ?

I asked her are able to go without it & try to be clean without the methadone they give to people to ween them off, she said yes & she hadn’t been getting high.The whole time we were talking, she would make eye contact & look away out of shame. I told her & showed her it’s ok we all make bad decisions & choices, but we rise against them & make a comeback, we bounce back ??

I’m thinking & telling myself what kind I do to help her or make her situation better. I asked her how she was & she replied 33. I asked her how does she think I am & she said 35-38. I was boom feeling kind of good ?lol.

I told her I was 45 & glad to still be alive ??

One thing I’ve learned in my lifetime is that if you start anything off with a lie , it’s never going to go away. Point Blank Period. She was shocked & said you look for your age & I would never had imagined that. We talked more & she told me she broke up with her dude 9 months ago, I told her I let go off a 4 year relationship , I’m not even going to say toxic cause my heart holds no anger, some disappointment but I think that natural. But I had to cut myself off let it go & get me back together. She told me he cheated on her with another girl & they live in a tent on the other side of a field. Smh in my mind I’m like wowwwww you have this kind of stuff going on everywhere, but i never would have imagined it in a homeless community. The next thing I did was show her my ID ,she asked why you show me this I said because I’m about to tell you some things & this is who I am. I want to take you to go get cleaned up ,take you to get some clothes, shoes ,mani & pedi & your hair done ,along with food & whatever else you may need to feel special, beautiful & pretty. Note to the world: This is what I do I lift spirits I bring joy I inspire & motivate those that take the time to look into what WW4SOCIETY is . I’m passionate as ever of this & I enjoy it from my heart ❤

This women is scared & scarred, she told me someone dumped her out their car when she wouldn’t have sex with them. I remember when my mother, baby brother & 1st came to Colorado & blood cousin of hers named Robert from my grandma’s side put us in the cold because he tried to sleep with my mom. We had to go to a shelter for awhile. There are tears building In my eyes ? women shouldn’t have to go through so much ? I’ll 4ever have a soft spot when it comes to all the things that you guys have to go through & endure.

So I told her I’m not looking for anything like that & I want you to feel special & blessed for the day at least. I relayed to her that she doesn’t have to be out here on the streets, especially behind a man’s actions. As I was taking with her more & more she started to look at me more direct & I could see the pain of what she has been going through & it started to effect my feelings & emotions ??‍♂️

This is how much LOYALTY & FAITH she has & I respect it, like it but super disagree with it. I asked her if she was given an opportunity to come up out of the streets , what would she do. She told me I’ll come back & get him ,I wouldn’t move forward in life & leave him out here or behind… I told her now that’s some true love & LOYALTY. My offer still stands of everything I told you , I took her hand in mines & said it’s up to you if you would like to go handle everything, I have all day & will make it happen. She stood & thought deep about it & looked up with tears in her eyes & said I have to go ,she didn’t want to cry in front of me or breakdown I could tell ,but before I let her hand go ,I was crying with her. I told her I don’t want to see her out here like this, she said your so nice & genuine your like an angel.

I’ll be ok & she slowly walked away we looked back at eachother & she said dang you look good to be 45

I said don’t forget & glad to be alive ??

Ladies never let anyone bring you down, the purpose of being with someone is 2 is always better than 1 & the mission is to bring eachother up & stay on the up & up.

Abuse comes in so many ways Mentally Emotionally & Physically…

One thing I can say is SPIRITUALLY Shea was & will be ok. We all just have to live love & learn who to be LOYAL & FAITHFUL too but by having the FAITH It will take you all the way…

Peace & Blessings

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