Positive Affirmations and Their Power!

Affirmations are statement that can support you in the moment/future and motivate you.

There are positive affirmations and negative ones.

Image credit: Katrina Wright@Unsplash

They are similar in some way to thoughts. How? I compare the two because when you think of a or say a affirmation, it is kind of the same as thinking something, just a tad bit different.

For example, a good affirmations is:

“I am enough!”

An a bad one is:

“I hate myself!”

Your affirmations are in accordance with what you think, with what you believe about yourself!

When you say “I am enough!” you start to believe it and feel like your are ENOUGH and you don’t need anybody else to do things for you, make you feel better.

But when you say, “ I hate myself!” You start to hate yourself and believe it.

My mind is a precious thing, it’s my persona space! So, I would try keeping negative affirmations out of there and keep positive ones inside instead.

Affirmations can really change your mindset. Basically affirmations are saying statement you want to believe in or want to happen! Eventually, they will!

Image credit: hp koch@Unsplash

So, till then, you fake it till you make it.

Lol! the picture sum it all up 🤣


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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