You probably have heard about meditation a lot! Many of us may think that it is merely a psyco buzz word, a fitness fad, a fashionable notion, a hokum. While some who may believe in its utility, others may still think that it’s not for them, as most of us can’t sit still! Let’s explore both the notions:

The Modern Age Madness and the Need for Groundedness
First thing first! Meditation is an ancient practice that has found its way in the modern age due to its proven benefits! Why? Let’s try to understand what meditation is:
“In its essence, meditation means guiding your mind to stay in the present and create calmness and centerdness.”
Undoubtedly, meditation helps us get rid of stress, become relaxed right away. But do you realize that meditation does far more than that? Here is how:
1. Getting Back 10 Minutes for Yourself
Staying in the present means such a challenge when you have tons to worry about in a given day: your grades or job, getting your business off the ground and making it stay afloat, paying the bills, getting all the housework done, raising a kid who has to be great at everything and yet calm, being there for your friends and family, etc. Thus, at times, the only way to be there for everyone else is to become absent from your own life, and putting your rest and needs on the back burner. So, it is being there for everyone In order to be
Related Read: When I fitted Meditation in My Life as a Mom & Caregiver, I Discovered….
2. Learning to Stay in the Here and Now
Evidently, the demands on today’s women are relentless. We are pulled and grabbed at from every direction, it seems. We are forced to think of and stay two steps ahead of ourselves. At the same time, we are pulled back in the past, haunted by our demons of guilt, low self-worth, hurt, disappointments, etc. Caught between the past and future, we forget to stay in the present, the most important moment, where the actual potential for change lies. Thus, meditation forces us to switch off from both past and future and focus solely on the present, the here and now.
3. Developing a Trust in Life
As I write these lines, Russia has waged a war against Ukraine. As a result, thousands have been forced to flee from their homes. A global crisis is unfolding and going to impact all of us.
When you see the world as an unsafe place, it depresses you. You feel that there is a bad thing waiting to happen right around the corner.
Furthermore, when you feel that people are selfish, self-centered and bad, you start seeing them as unworthy of your love, trust and acceptance.
In times like these, I turn to meditation. Because meditation helps me understand that there is a greater power I can turn towards, I can entrust things, the matters of my life into those hands.
While the world is adapting to a changed post pandemic living reality, we too must learn newer coping strategies and survival skills.
4. Becoming Awakened
Most of us are sleep walking through life. We wake up in the morning and start chasing the shiny balls of our goals, ambitions, occupation, our deadlines, until we collapse at night. The same cycle starts all over again the next morning.
Meditation relaxes you and makes you aware to your higher existence and purpose. It gives you the ability to see beyond the material concerns and focus on your spiritual existence.
Meditations helps you balance between Fate and Faith:
One one hand, Fate tells me what is to happen will happen.
On the other hand, Faith tells me that I will be OK, regardless of everything.

5. Learning to Let Go
We tend to hold on to so much due to our fears and inadequacies. The last thing we want to do is to lose control. As a result, we just try to keep on holding to things, peoples, notions longer than we should. We hold on to them even when we know that they are bad for us, that they no longer work for us. Yet, the fear of losing control is paralyzing. So, meditation help us loosen up, start letting go of our inhibitions and fears. Thus, meditation gives us freedom from the baser, worldy concerns.
6. Tapping into the Collective Consciousness
Aren’t there times when you have felt utterly alone, disconnected from everyone around you, just because they don’t see the things the same way you do. They don’t feel the same way you do! Well, the truth is that most of us are alone in our immediate surroundings. Yet, we are part of a cosmic experience and consciousness. Thus, meditation is that gateway or portal that connects you with the larger scheme of life, the bigger paradigm that humanity shares, transcending the bounds of borders, race, ethnicity, even time.
The Takeaways
Meditation is not a fitness fad but an ancient practice with proven results! It that helps us achieve not only physical calm but also opens us up to a bigger and higher realm of awareness and peace. Moreover, it improves our mindset. Above all, meditation empowers us to become a better version of ourselves.