ease or effort

Life seems very overwhelming at times. We feel bored sometimes! We feel challenged a lot of times lot ! Some tasks seem easy! Other seems challenging! More often, it is not the nature of things, rather than our attitude and perspective at a given time, that makes things easy or hard for us. Ultimately, our attitude in life and methodology impact our productivity, our outlook on life. 

Why You Need to Create Ease in Life

How often have you heard and told others: ‘Jeez! You need to take it easy!”
The need to create ease means that you need to realize that you don’t need to make everything unnecessarily hard for yourself because life is hard, as it is.

Likewise, life is not a battleground. You have to pick and choose your battles in life accordingly. So before you decide to do something from the scratch or the hard way again, pause for a few minutes and ask yourself: “Is this thing worth going the extra mile or not!”

You do realize that you are not out there to prove something to others (and yourself) every time. When you do something, you do it for yourself.

What does creating ease in your life means?

  • It means sleeping an extra hour in the morning if your energy level is down.
  • It means not cooking every meal from the scratch in a busy week.
  • It means letting your kid watch an extra hour of cartoon if it means finishing a deadline.
  • Missing a day of exercising, if your knees are hurting too much. 

So, ‘ease’ is a pretty subjective term. It depends upon your respective situation in life and your unique values.
Creating ease for yourself doesn’t mean slacking off or being lazy. On the contrary, it means:  

  • Being kind to yourself.
  • Allowing you to reset your energies.
  • Recognizing and respecting your personal limits (rather than seeing it as a limitation).

Why You Need to Make Effort in Life

There are times when you have to make a conscious effort to do better, push yourself further, rather than seeking the easy way out. You do so because you want to prove yourself to others, even though you are not required to. You make an effort because you want to get noticed by others. You want your talent and skills to get noticed and acknowledged by others.

Similarly, you choose to make an effort because you don’t want to get complacent and lazy. Above all, you want to prove something to yourself that you can do something and you can do it better than the rest.

What does pushing yourself further looks like?

  • You have a car but you choose to walk to the workplace occasionally to get some exercise.
  • You sign up for a class because you want to increase your knowledge, add to your skill set.
  • You still have time left on a project’s submission, but you decide to submit it before the deadline.  

Why We Need to Balance Between Ease and Effort?

Life is complex. We want the predictability of a routine to feel secure. Yet, the familiarity of routine makes us feel bored. As a result, we want things to try out new things. We want excitement and challenges. Perhaps, the best approach to have a fulfilling routine and life pattern to have a little bit of both in our lives: Create ease for ourselves and others in small but significant ways, while striving to do our best. Conclusively, this very balance can be the secret sauce of having a richer, deeper and more fulfilling life.

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A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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