soul detox, soul cleanse

You are not just a body, but  you have a spirit and soul. Sometimes, your soul starts feeling sick just like your body and needs to be cleanses, detoxified and nurtured back to its shiny, gloryful state.  

You feel emotionally exhausted by the negativity around you to the extent that you don’t feel anything anymore! You are so hurt that you don’t care for anything or anyone! You don’t feel like meditating or praying because you feel there is no point to any of it.

 There will also be days when you would be so overcome with complex thoughts and emotions that you would feel like crying. And you won’t be able to quite put your finger on what is wrong! You would  just wipe those tears away and think: “Damn it! I don’t know why I am crying. I don’t know what’s wrong! But I don’t want to feel like this!”  These are all signs of spiritual exhaustion!

We all go through days when we feel an inner turmoil so wide that it threatens to engulf our feelings, emotions, and our entire being.   

Reasons Behind Spiritual Exhaustion

There are situations when we are just feeding our precious energies to things, people and causes that no longer align with our vision in life. These are the kind of things that are just leeching our energy, without giving us anything in exchange. For instance, it can be:

  • A relationship that has turned toxic and hurt some.
  • A friend or family member who just sees you as a vessel to unload their misery and pushing you towards compassion fatigue.
  • A job that only makes us miserable.
  • A living space or living situation that is, depressing, hostile, toxic, unhealthy.
  • A habit, a choice or a living style of a pattern that is unhealthy or counterproductive.
  • Your constant exposure to pain and suffering that pushes you to the point where you stop feeling anything and become immune to emotions.

It can be one or two of the aforementioned factors impacting your mental and spiritual health, or a combination of it all.

Image source: Abigail Keenan@Unsplash

The Consequences of Spiritual Exhaustion

All these are signs that you have experienced a significant amount of stress or have suffered from a monumental loss. As a result, you are feeling mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually burnt out.

You may even realize that these things, choices, and causes no longer bring you joy or relief. Yet you stick on with them as you are afraid of shaking up things or you feel trapped and stuck in situations in life. Or, worst of all, you have no hope, desire, passion and compassion left in you.

  • Your respond to people in a sarcastic manner or show your indifference to anyone’s suffering.
  • You are drawn to negative, darker things.
  • You don’t see a point in anything in life.

It’s truly an alarming situation, a personal crisis that needs due attention. Your soul needs a detox, a  reset, and realignment.

Image source: Tachina Lee@Unsplash

3 Actionable Steps to Reclaim Your Exhausted Spiritual Health

If you don’t pay attention to your own needs and personal crisis, then no one else would. You owe it to yourself. Here are three actionable steps to cleanse your soul and recover your mental, emotional and spiritual health:

Cleanse Your Surroundings

Your surroundings need a cleanse so as to provide your soul the space to grow and thrive.

Look around you!

  • Is there clutter?
  • Is there a chaos of chores?
  • Does the air around you feel stagnant?
  • Is the ambience dull and uninspiring?

If yes, then you need to cleanse, organize and freshen up your surroundings.

  • No need to buy fancy furniture. Re-arrange stuff!
  • Surround yourself with things that give you comfort and peace. It can be the teddy bear you used to sleep with as a child, family pictures framed, your favorite mug
  • Clear the clutter away! Invest in Dollar store organizers.
  • Smudge your house with Clary sage!
  • Burn scented candles and incense stick around the house to create a pleasant and relaxing ambience.
  • Put away anything that you haven’t used in a while!
  • Get rid of things that are useless.
  • Donate things that you don’t see yourself using in the near future.
  • Give it to a charitable organization or someone you know who needs it. Their gratitude is what would make your heart and soul glow!

Pay Attention to Your Physical and Mental Health

A healthy body and mind are the vessel for a healthy soul. A counterproductive routine, poor sleep and diet not only negatively impact your body but also your spirit. So pay attention to what you choose to put in your body and mind. A diet full of toxins and toxic emotions are bound to make your spirit sick.
So, adopt a healthier lifestyle through these simple steps:

  • Choose to eat natural and nutritious food.
  • Pick your own ingredients and make your own meals from the scratch.
  • Fix your sleep routine.
  • Take periodic breaks to give your body and mind due rest.
  • Go on a digital detox and choose to read a book.
  • Draw a luxurious bubble bath and soak away your troubles. Or, draw a simple bath, but add essential oils or Epsom salt to it to help your muscles relax and  get rid of toxins.
  • Get on your feet. Take a walk, enroll in a yoga class or a weight loss group.

When you would feel better in body and mind, your spirit would heal and thrive.

Image source: processingly@Unsplash

Re-align Your Emotional and Spiritual Landscape

First and foremost, healing your emotional health and spiritual health requires us to forgive whoever or whatever thing has hurt you. You also need to forgive yourself for your mistakes and shortcomings.

 Second, it means renewing our faith. This faith can be religious in nature, or it can be having faith in the bigger picture, the life force, the Universe.

Third, find something inspiring, uplifting, motivating or someone inspiring. Listen to a motivational speaker. Connect with ideas that are bigger than us, that have the potential to change how we see and feel things.

This why WW4Society was started. We wanted to women to rekindle the connection with their self, their inner goddess, reinforce the need for their self-care

 It is also a  renewed faith in the goodness of things, in the goodness of people. It also means allowing yourself to be vulnerable and yet not giving them the power to hurt you. This would happen when you would build healthy boundaries and reinforce them when dealing with people.

Re-aligning your emotional and spiritual landscape also means allowing yourself to have hope and trust that you would be alright and things would eventually work out. This means choosing positivity over negativity everyday, through the choices we make.  

Idleness feeds negativity, doubts and our inner restlessness.  Thus, start each day with purposefulness, passion, a sense of gratitude.

Just Remember in the End…

Your soul’s wellness is as important as your physical and mental wellness. Prolonged stress, toxic emotions, relationships and toxic behaviors and one’s constant exposure to trials and sufferings may lead to inner turmoil and spiritual exhaustion. If you feel that your soul is in a state of inner turmoil and you have been shaken to the extent where you no longer feel anything, then it’s the time to detoxify your soul. Cleansing your surroundings from negative influences, paying attention to your mental and physical health, and re-aligning your emotions and spiritual landscape are some of the ways you can reclaim your soul and nurture


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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