Gut health becomes more important than ever as we age! One of my friends messaged me recently about how her entire day was ruined because of an upset stomach. Apparently, she is a stress eater and end up eating all the wrong stuff and then rue and regret later. She thought that her stomach issues were due to her unhealthy, mindless munching habits! Right and wrong – Both! Gut health depends on a lot of factors:

Image credit: Maddi Bazzocco@Unsplash

Gut Health Depends on a Variety of Factors

Research shows that poor gut health has been linked to a variety of physical ailments, including sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, and lack of energy. Food allergies lead to poor gut health.

1. Get Enough Sleep

Inadequate sleep can exacerbate existing problems, so make it a priority to get 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night.

2. Eat Mindfully

Eating slowly also promotes a healthy gut and reduces digestive discomfort. It’s also important to slow down when eating, as this can decrease your risk of developing diabetes and obesity. W

3. Exercise

Exercising is another way to improve your gut health. While exercise isn’t necessary to lose weight, it can help keep your digestive system running smoothly and eliminate bad microbes. Many types of exercise, including jogging, yoga, and cycling, are beneficial to your gut microbiome.

4. Eat More Protein

Protein is another essential element of a healthy gut. It contains amino acids which regulate brain chemicals and help you feel full for longer. The feeling of being full longer would lower your craving for processed sugar, carbs and other form of junk food.

5. Have a Diverse Nutrient, Rich Diet

Limiting your food to a few ingredients means depriving your body from nutrients. You don’t need just carbohydrates or protein or fruits to survive. Make sure to include in your weekly diet healthy servings of nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, protein, fruits and vegetables. 

6. Have Fermented Food often

Fermented food like yogurt, kefir, kimchi and pickles are rich with good gut bacteria. They are like nature’s prebiotic and help us digest food and replenish our gut flora.

7. Meditate

The speed of your gut’s digestion is related to your emotional state. When you find time to meditate, you will be able to take care of your gut and also your mental state in the process.

3 Easy Gut-Friendly Diet Ideas

It’s increasingly difficult to eat mindfully and nutritiously when we lack time or motivation, when we try to attempt diets or gather ingredients that aren’t easily available. Here are 3 convenient and affordable gut-friendly diet ideas I live by:

Image credit: Jannis Brandt@Unsplash

Yogurt and Raisins

Soak 4-5 raisins in half a cup of yogurt for 6 hours and then have it as a mid day snack. This combo is full of fiber and fiber and acts a probiotic.

Oats and Banana

Oats and banana make an easy, filling and nutritious breakfast. You can prepare the oats the night prior and have it in the morning by just slicing and adding a banana to it. This breakfast is rich in fiber, incredibly easy, satisfying and easily digestible.

Onions or cucumber Fermented in Vinegar

This simple concoction can be prepared easily with a few pantry staples like onions, ACV vinegar, salt and onions and cucumbers. You can slice the onions and cucumber, add salt and or plain vinegar to it. Give the mixture a good mix and store it in the fridge for 6 hours. You can add a heap of this tangy mixture to your meals once a day.

To Sum Up

Many of us suffer from poor gut health due to our unhealthy eating and living habits. To maintain healthy digestion, you need to eat plenty of fiber, drink plenty of water, exercise and gut friendly food.


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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