social media

“Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there maybe in silence.”

  Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann, written in 1927

I read this poem in college, decades back. But my mind keeps coming back to it again and again, more so now a days. I keep marveling at the universal wisdom the poem carries.

It’s a time of immense struggle, yet again!

We are drowning in the noise around us. Too many sad news and incidents around us, the recession and the hyper inflation.

The resultant struggle, the heartache, the anger!

information overload, information overwhelm, social media addiction
Image source: Florian Schmetz@Unsplash

The misery and sheer helplessness.

I find myself drowning in the sea of overwhelm of information: good, bad, in fact, more bad than good, worrisome, enraging, exasperating.

It’s a struggle to keep up with all this information. It’s a greater struggle to know when to tune out and zone out.

We try to stay up-to-date. But we seriously can’t.

And you know what!

It’s OK NOT to stay up-to-date!

It’s OK to embrace being ignorant and naive.

Because the cost of being up-to-date is often overwhelm!

It’s the sheer overload and overwhelm of all kinds of information (that may not be relevant, at the moment).

The cost is also anxiety, depression, helplessness and anger!

You see heartless, mindless crimes being committed!

The ensuing cruelty, indifference and the chaos.

You feel so much and yet are able to do nothing at all, most of the times.

It makes you feel so angry!

I get it!

You are an empath!

But you have to be careful enough so as to:

Not get drowned in the information overwhelm!

Not get lost in the chaos of the world!

Not let your fears and anxiety run unchecked like a trickle of tiny drops in a bucket!

Tip, tip, tip!

Until the bucket runs over or develop a leak, eventually.

That’s what out happens to our bodies and minds.

We keep on soaking, absorbing information, especially the information related to the bad things happening around us.

We keep absorbing the stress they carry…

Until our bodies wear down!

Our minds break down!

That’s the gradual, eventual cost of trying to keep up with indiscriminate, information overwhelm.

You, your mind and body pay the cost!

So, cut back on the information. You don’t need to know everything.

If it doesn’t lead to affirmative thoughts, positive action, contributing to a positive, growth mindset, then it’s junk and overwhelm!

It would rob you of energy!

That’s why I have become selective of what I kind of information I put in my mind and pay heed to.

social media addiction, overwhelm
Image source: Becca Tapert@Unsplash

8 Actionable Steps to Maintain Your Everyday Sanity

Here are a few actionable steps I undertake everyday for my sanity:

#1 Cut or At least Limit News

I have stopped listening to news and news analysis programs. News analysis programs are the worst kind because they paint a doomsday scenario always! Do they make a change at the policy level, I ask! Nopes. I would rather watch Oprah’s shows or TED talk on YouTube.

#2 Get Off the Social Media

Social media is addictive. It wastes time! It is a rabbit hole. You end up scrolling and scrolling and get no where. So, delete a few apps from your phone. Mute, snooze, and unfollow pages you don’t like anymore and save yourself a lot of time. Personally, the amount of time I had saved myself from zoning out of social media and the resultant productivity gain have been astounding.

#3 See Less of Certain Things

Stop broadcasting your life to the world. Limit your own personal posts and feeds. The world doesn’t need and care to know what you have been up to! Be selective of what you see and who you see and follow! Go ahead, unfriend people you haven’t spoken to in ages! Snooze or mute someone whom you want to see or hear from a bit less. Unfollow pages and groups who no longer resonate with your values.

#4 Go Out!

If you are home bound or work from home, it is absolutely necessary to go out and get some fresh air and sunshine every day. Spending long hours inside the house, catching up with deadlines and chores is not only monotonous, it starts affecting your mood, outlook and health.

#5 Don’t Argue with People

We argue not only because we want to be heard but also because we want to prove ourselves right and others wrong. So indulging in arguments is a matter of ego! But arguments rob you of your precious time and energy!

Likewise, we see so many argument taking place in the comments section on social media, with lots of trolling and judgment! Nothing good has ever come out of this behavior. So stop arguing with people in the comment section. If you like something, give it a thumbs up. If you don’t like something, move on! Better still follow, point #2 and #3 and get off the social media after sometimes.

#6 Delete Food Delivery Apps!

Food delivery apps waste your time and money! Buy groceries instead and cook from scratch. I used to find myself having cravings around the mid afternoon or midnight and checking out the foo delivery app to find something tempting to order.

I would end up ordering something that would be expensive and even not delicious enough in the end! I no longer do that as I keep a snack ready when that energy slump hits, so that I don’t end up giving into the craving and the promise of convenience.

#7 Interact with a Friend

Don’t rely on social media to connect with and stay in touch with a friend. Invite him or her for a cup of tea indtead! Meet in a park! Go out for a stroll in the neighborhood. An emoji cannot replace the sound of your voice, the power in your words, the warmth in a hug, holding hands, and giving a hug!

Image source: Motoki Tonn@Unsplash

#8 Do Something for Yourself

As empaths, we do a lot for others, our friends, coworkers, children, family, in laws, parents! It does get too much at times, specially, if you keep putting your needs and rest at the back burner always! It creates not just tiredness but resentment. Eventually, it leads to burnout. So, I make it point to do something small for myself.

It can be:

  • Reading a book at night.
  • Having a cup of tea with a favorite snack.
  • Baking a cake and enjoying a slice with your coffee!
  • Gardening!
  • Catching up with a favorite TV program (good old catching up with one episode as opposed to binge watching!)
  • A hot shower!

In the End, Just Remember…

This is the age of information, knowledge, technology, social media. Undoubtedly, it’s empowering and beneficial too to be informed and knowledgeable. But somewhere along the way, we have forgotten that the excess of things make them bad.

An excessive and passive consumption of all sorts of information and knowledge can lead to inertia, negativity, fears, misgivings, anxiety, and depression. So, put your phone down and go out in the world. You won’t miss much, trust me!

 Connect with your surroundings and nature. Seek the company of actual friends. Don’t just dwell on the news of doom and gloom; rather, share laughter, joy, happiness and compassion.

 Desiderata reminds us:

 “But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.

And whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful.

Strive to be happy.”


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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