positive mindset

As humans, we are different from one another on different levels: appearance, features, color, background, ethnicity, etc. But these are just outward differences.

We are also different from one another on the basis of our emotional and psychological mindscape. We differ on the basis of the mindset we possess. This mindset determines how we see life, and consequently, how we respond to it and its varying situations and challenges.

Negative mindset, negativity
Image source: Alesksandra Sapozhnikov@ Unsplash

There are those who respond to challenges and negativities with a lots of optimism and strength. Then there are those respond to the same circumstances with pessimism, despair and exasperation.

All of us know both kind of people.

More importantly, to which group you belong to? Can you recognize any of these behaviorisms in yourself or anyone around you?

Here are some of the traits that dominate a person with a negative mindset:


Apparently, you tend to internalize all your emotions. You might be sophisticated and well-mannered outwardly, but you feel suffocated and lost inside at times. You are like a Shakespearean hero, a Hamlet, who is soliloquizing all the time.

Unhealed Trauma

You might have suffered a trauma in your childhood, or at some point in life (Most of us have!) But you can’t seem to get over that trauma. You are triggered by unconnected, small things and end up reliving that trauma, over and over.

You respond to life’s myriad issues and tests with a lot of stress, negativity, pessimism.

Trust Issues

You don’t trust many people in your life. You also don’t trust emotions and feelings of others, such as display of love and friendship may make you feel uncomfortable.

 You don’t even trust your own feelings and even yourself. You fear as to how you would respond to a particular tricky situation or a tough choice. As a result, you evade issues and avoid people


You feel paranoid about people and situations. If they are nice to you, you wonder what is their agenda. If everything is going well in a day, you fear that the tide would turn suddenly and something bad is going to happen, and you live in the dread and secret anticipation of it. You wait for people who love and care for you to betray you.


You have a lot of regrets about your past. You use phrases like,

“I should have…”

 “I could have…”

“I must have…”

“If only I could…”

Blame Game & Victim Mentality

You blame others for your misfortunes and troubles in life, your parents, teachers, your friends, your spouse, the society, the government.


This is the most apparent sign of a limited mindset. You are not just angry with people, circumstances and life, you are consumed by bitterness. Anger is momentary. On the other hand, bitterness is permanent and all-consuming. A bitter person losses entirely the capability to feel joy and happiness.

Low Vibrational Energy

People who suffer from a negative mindset not only have low vibrational energy, but they tend to bring down everyone’s energy and vibe.

Now, they aren’t bad friends. Nevertheless, they just make it hard for their friends to be around them due to their negative mindset.

You may recognize some of these traits or all in yourself, if you happen to have a negative mindset.

A Negative Mindset Originates from…

A negative mindset originates from childhood trauma, loneliness, adverse circumstances, social conditioning, lack of support, etc.

 positive mindset, positivism
Image source: Brett Jordan@Unsplash

A Negative Mindset Can be Changed if….

It is true that you cannot change your mindset overnight and in its entirety. But what you can do is to commit yourself towards your own growth, personality development, and self-betterment, bit by bit. It is possible to cultivate positive thoughts, habits, behviorisms to transition towards a positive and growth-oriented mindset.

However, if you lack the self-awareness and desire to change yourself, then no amount of therapy, support, resources, and counseling would help you. The change is to start from within, from you.

Therapy, Counseling and Life Coaching

Evidently, I vouch for therapy and counseling but also for seeking the services of a life coach when dealing with personal issues. A therapist helps you understand your personality issues and give you tools to deal with them. On the other hand, a life coach takes a 360 degree approach to transform your life.

The Final Thought

Cultivating and growing your mindset is also a form of self-care, something that is more important than spa treatments and gyming. Conclusively, when you commit yourself towards personal change, only then you are able to see the results and transformation.


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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