5 principles of simple life

Life can become difficult to navigate through so many of times. It doesn’t go according to any plan. Yet, we think too much, attach a lot of importance to seemingly unimportant things. This can waste so much of our precious energy and result in exhaustion! People, even our loved ones, end up letting us down, causing us hurt! The end result is a deep unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life, with the way things are going, with your friends!

So how do we navigate through this terrain called life?

 There are many principles of life people tend to follow in order to feel happier, contented and blessed. I personally endorse these ones because they touch a lot of dimensions of my life as a woman:

1) Understand that Good Things Take Time to Work Out!

Remember what it is like to want something to happen very badly, and yet finding it getting delayed or stalled by circumstances beyond our control! Frustrating, isn’t it! Sometimes, we need to realize that it takes time for things to move along, to work out eventually! Have faith in the process the Universe has designed for you and you will just be fine!

For instance, if you are single and are wondering what’s wrong with you, this doesn’t mean getting desperate! Don’t throw yourself at random guys hoping they would start loving you! If you know your worth, you would know that your body and feelings are as precious as you are! Reserve it for the right one!

2) Give Things their Due Importance (Not Less Not More)

Sometimes, we end up attaching more importance to things, other people’s issues more than what they deserve. This way we end up ruining our peace as well. If a spouse or friend is feeling moody broody, lashing out for no reason, let them be. Maybe they got out of the wrong side of the bed that day!

Likewise, if a stranger is being rude to your for no reason, don’t let it ruin your peace of mind. That person’s bad day shouldn’t become yours. Tell them: ‘No thank you!’ and get on with your day! You don’t owe them anything!

3) Winning an Argument Isn’t Worth it!

People love to argue over things, smaller and bigger! They love telling others that their way is the only way and that others are wrong! It’s a mindset! If someone is being confrontational for no reason, about politics, choice of shows, way of cooking, parenting style, just step back! Don’t be drawn into needless discussion. No need to be disrespectful. Stepping back is wiser and a smarter way to save your energy.

Image credit: Daria Liudnaya@Pexels

4) Lower Your Expectations

All of us have our expectations from friends, family, society, God as well. It’s natural; it’s human! What happens when they are not met? We naturally feel disappointed, sad, angry, betrayed. However, in reality, no one owes us anything. Whatever we do for someone or they do for us is out of goodwill. The Universe doesn’t owe us anything!

 Once we start lowering our expectations, we would start freeing ourselves from the cycle of pain, anger, disappointment and resentment. Coincidentally, we would also feel more grateful and joyous if someone ends up doing something nice for us.

5) Don’t Portray Yourself as Less Adequate

We all have insecurities and fears. We share them with our near and dear ones, for getting love and understanding. This is quite OK! But sometimes we end up doing that all the time, with everyone we come in contact with. It becomes a persona and second nature!

People then start perceiving us in the same way as we see ourselves: ‘Fat’, ‘Ugly’, ‘Clumsy’, ‘Cursed’, ‘Unlucky”, “Incapable”, so on and so forth! The cunning ones start prying on our hidden and ‘declared’ insecurities. Don’t give them the satisfaction! You are worth so much more than you can perceive.

The Last Thought…

Life is already too complicated and too short! We think that we need more money and more gadgets, more friends, connections and influence in life to be happy. This can be true to some extent, considering the demands of current life. But, at the same time, the art of living and the key to true happiness lies in simplifying your life and not complicating it.


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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