You are a young woman studying or doing a job! Or you are a self-made, busy, freelancing, career-oriented woman, a freelancer, an entrepreneur, a mom-prenuer, femme-preneur, running your small businesses from your kitchen table, a home office or from a shared co-working space.
Now look around: What’s on your workstation?

Is it a way to merely fill an empty space or it stands for something?
Let’s understand why and how office art can subtly change the vibe your workstation, workplace, your place of business:
Own Your Workspace
The space in which you work is not just a mere physical space to situate your business. It is your escape, sanctuary, haven and more. The right office art can create a more calm, humanized, creative and productive work space and vibe for you and your workers, without having to spend a lot. Not only this, but with more and more people starting to work from home in the pandemic world, there is a need to make our workspace more individualized and productive.
Strengthen your Brand
The impression and ‘feel’ of your work background is important whether you are running a solo business or an enterprise. Office art is not a way to fill empty space, an answer for the need for aesthetics; it is an extension of your personality, your brand, its values. It is the the initial impression that a client would have of your workspace. A curated office art can help you express what your business stands for. For instance, look at the below given desk art! It is a quirky and creative way to communicate to your team members that you indeed mean business. It can also show your clients your commitment towards task completion and goal achievement.

Invoke Intrigue
Quirky, creative, beautiful office decor items are sure to catch the beholder’s attention and make them wonder about the person displaying this art, her work style, what makes her tick, and what kind values you uphold, and what type of an image you are trying to put across to your clients. For instance,
Are you a hard working femme-prenuer?
Are you laid-back but commitment-oriented?
Do you have a sense of humor? Is it subtle or in-your-face?
The office wall art, desk art that you would choose for your space would help in conveying all this.

The Post-Pandemic World and Our Workspaces
One understands that in our chaotic, hectic, post-panademic hit lives, unfortunately, survival and getting sh*t done have become the priorities and necessities. We may not have the metal energy, time or time to decorate and humanize our work spaces anymore. But we totally should!
But seemingly small acts like personalizing your work surroundings with a little beauty, a little color, a little humor or inspiration in the form a personal item like a cacti, a mug, a photo frame, an office art bearing an inspirational quote or something funny would help infuse more soul in your work, workspace and workday.
The Take-Aways
Whether you are an individual working at an office, working from home, running a business from home or running a small- or medium-sized business, do put some effort in decorating your workspace. It would help you personalize your workspace, add more life and soul to your brand. Most importantly, it will help you create a more welcoming and humanizing impression of yourself and your business in the mind of your customers.