self-care, WorthWorkin4Wednesdays

We all go through bad days and even bad, hectic weeks, where nothing seems to go right and we seem to get no break! Usually, things take time to settle down at their own pace but not without leaving us stressed and mentally and physically depleted. While every problem doesn’t appear to have a solution, a little self-care helps us stay sane and on our feet.

If you’re having a particularly bad day, or even a bad week, try to incorporate these three self-care habits: Checking in with yourself, organizing your life, and going for a walk. These small activities are all proven to improve your overall sense of well-being.

So how do you make them part of your daily routine? Read on to learn how you can start today! So you can get through the day feeling renewed and ready to take on the world.

Checking in with Yourself

Self-care is necessary. Yet it is something we keep delaying or ignoring because we give more importance to others and keep our needs at the lowest rung of priorities. Consistent self-care keep bad days at the bay.

They help you strive through a bad day.

 Here are five reasons you need to check in with yourself every day.

  • First of all, it helps you figure out what you’re feeling and why you’re not feeling good. Then, you can make adjustments to help you feel better.
  • It’s important to focus on your emotional state to be able to deal with stress and disruption.
  • Performing activities like journaling, watching movies, or listening to music are excellent for exploring your feelings.
  • You can also write about your emotions after a stressful event to help you process them.
  • Taking the time to do this can also help you cope with future challenges.

First, you should remember that emotional check-ins take practice. They may feel awkward or even uncomfortable. You should connect the exercise to your daily routine by making a reminder and keeping it near. Once you’re used to it, you’ll notice that you have more awareness of your emotions. Once you can do this, you’re more likely to be able to find the right interventions.

Getting Organized

Getting organized is a great way to reduce stress levels and the demands that clog your daily routine. It can also feel empowering, letting you face new situations with less anxiety and stress. The process of getting organized can be done any time of the day, and you’ll be glad you did! To help you get started, write down one thing that you need to organize, along with when you’ll be able to do so.

Being organized requires discipline. Even the best-laid plans can go awry. If you’re worried about forgetting to pack your things, you can stay on top of everything by planning ahead. When you have a schedule, it will help you make sure to make room for last-minute tasks and home emergencies. The more organized you are, the more you’ll be able to handle new situations without panic.

People who have a well-organized life don’t waste time or energy. They understand that staying organized goes hand in hand with being productive. They make weekly and daily schedules and set goals for themselves. An unorganized life won’t give you enough space or time to achieve goals and deadlines. Make a to-do list that lists what you want to do or accomplish in the next year.

Image credit: Deniz Altindas@Unsplash

Taking a Walk

Taking a walk is an excellent way to break out of your rut. Walking is a low-impact exercise that improves your overall health and you state of mind.

The best thing is that taking a walk doesn’t require special equipment or training and can be done at any time. Walking does not need to be intense or long-term – simply strolling around your neighbourhood is sufficient for improving your fitness levels.

 It seems hard to gather the energy to get up and going, but you would be glad once you are up and about. You will have a positive effect on your mood for hours afterward. It is also a good idea to drink plenty of water while you’re walking. Even just a ten-minute walk around the neighborhood can boost your mood.

Just Remember!

We are all grappling with circumstances beyond out controls. No one likes having a bad day or a week. However, when they do come up, a little self-care would help us breeze through our bad patches.


A writer, teacher, mom, wife and caregiver who is passionate about life and learning.

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