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Positive Affirmation and Their Power
Positive Affirmations and Their Power! Affirmations are statement that can support you in the moment/future and motivate you. There are positive affirmations and negative ones. …
20 Genius Things Mark Cuban Says To Do With Your Money
Watch “Wealth Building Strategy to Increase Your Cash Flow | Robert Kiyosaki | Top 10 Rules” on YouTube
Controversial Therapist REVEALS what MEN underestimate about WOMEN! A Mu…

How Your Feelings Impact Your Productivity
Your feelings have a deeper connection with and a far-reaching impact on your productivity. Here is how…

How to Go On When You Are Feeling Demotivated
It’s completely normal to have periods of low motivation from time to time. Many factors can contribute to this, including stress, burnout, lack of interest …

How Expecting “Less” from Your Week Can Make You Have “More”
A week full of unexpected tasks, deadlines, distractions, detours can be really frustrating. You may feel like you are going through a challenge course, and …