How to Go Placidly Amidst the Noise, Haste and Rage!
“Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there maybe in silence.” Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann, written in 1927 I …
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on …
To All the Empaths Out There….
If you are an empath, I know that you, like me, have been feeling overwhelmed and sad lately. The mass shootings here and there! Coffins …
10 Effective Ways of Exercise To Lose Weight

3 Reminders for Overwhelmed Moms & Families!
As families, we are going through times of immense turbulence and pressures. It’s not easy to be a parent in this age where there is …
Squat Variations to Strengthen Your Legs for Every Fitness Level | Shape

Positive Affirmations and Their Power!
Affirmations are statements that can support you in the moment or in the future and motivate you. There are positive affirmations and negative ones. They …

Own Your Truth: Own Your Life
Women carry huge responsibilities and even more huge burdens. These burdens are of our own guilt, fears and shortcomings. To cope up with these negativities, …

10 Turbo Boosting Warm Water Infusions to Start Your Day With!
infusion, tonic, warm water, warm water infusion, lemon, ginger, apple cider vinegar, ACV, fenugreek, cinnamon, dates, raisins, black raisins, Flax seeds, Chia seeds, flaxseeds, herbs, spices, dried fruits, antioxidants, cholesterol, weight loss, weight management, magnesium, protein, calcium and selenium, iron, copper, omega-3 fatty acids, psyllium husk, health and wellness, self-care, healthy habits, diet, healthy routine