I belong to a generation and culture where self-love and self-care have been unheard of until recently. Women are daughters, sisters, wives, moms, daughter in …
Pouring from an Empty Cup… When Self-Care is Neglected!

A movement & sisterhood to Empower, Uplift & Inspire Women Globally
I belong to a generation and culture where self-love and self-care have been unheard of until recently. Women are daughters, sisters, wives, moms, daughter in …
The extent to how much our lives have become dependent on the internet is overwhelming and scary even. The connectivity drops for a minute and …
Self-endorsement is something important in the regimen of self-care. It means praising yourself and what you do, no matter how seemingly insignificant it happens to …
Most of us are already aware of self-care. But in a world shuttling between older and newer virus threats, we need to practice self-care more …
Validation is an important emotional need. It is natural to feel doubtful about our own feelings and capabilities, from time to time. That’s why we …
Hey you! I know you are sad and down for… failing an exam, for failing on a personal goal or project! failing to stick to …
The past makes an important part of our mental and emotional landscape. Your past is an important part of your personality. It is a place …
Doesn’t life seems like a constant battle ground at times! Mostly, you are fighting against pressures and circumstance. There are moments when you are fighting …